Independent Medication Review Pharmacists: What You Need to Know

Understand the role of independent medication review pharmacists in improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. Learn how they identify medication-related problems and optimise treatments.

Independent Medication Review Pharmacists- What You Need to Know

What is an Independent Medication Review Pharmacist?

Patients can benefit from an independent medication review in several ways. Firstly, an independent medication review can help patients better understand their medications and ensure that they are taking them correctly. This can help improve their health outcomes and reduce the risk of medication-related problems.

An independent medication review can also help insurers save money on healthcare and medication costs. By identifying medication-related problems and making recommendations to improve patient outcomes, independent pharmacists can help prevent unnecessary hospitalizations and other expensive healthcare interventions. Luke McGrath is an independent pharmacist. Director of Independent Med Management, and experienced in providing independent pharmacist reviews for Australian insurers.

Why are Independent Medication Review Pharmacists Needed?

There are several reasons why independent medication review pharmacists are needed. First and foremost, these professionals are able to identify medication-related problems that may be contributing to poor health outcomes in patients. They can also help patients, doctors and insurers understand the medications and ensure that they are taking them correctly.

Another reason why independent medication review pharmacists are needed is that they can help reduce costs to the healthcare system and to insurers. By identifying medication-related problems and making recommendations to improve patient outcomes, these pharmacists can help prevent unnecessary hospitalizations, secondary conditions, and other expensive healthcare interventions.

How Can Patients Benefit from an Independent Medication Review?

Patients can benefit from an independent medication review in several ways. Firstly, an independent medication review can help patients better understand their medications and ensure that they are taking them correctly. This can help improve their health outcomes and reduce the risk of medication-related problems.

An independent medication review can also help insurers save money on healthcare and medication costs. By identifying medication-related problems and making recommendations to improve patient outcomes, independent pharmacists can help prevent unnecessary hospitalizations and other expensive healthcare interventions.

How Can Healthcare Providers Benefit from an Independent Medication Review?

Healthcare providers can also benefit from an independent medication review. By working with an independent pharmacist, healthcare providers can ensure that their patients are receiving the best possible care and that their medication regimens are optimized for their individual needs.

Independent pharmacists can also help healthcare providers save time and resources. By identifying medication-related problems and making recommendations to improve patient outcomes prior to attending their regular GP appointment or prior to the referral to a specialist appointment. These professionals can help identify current medications, prescribers and give accurate and relevant information to the treating parties.

How to Find an Independent Medication Review Pharmacist?

Insurers and healthcare providers refer directly to Independent Med Management via their website (see link below). Independent Med Management is one of the leading providers of Independent Pharmacy Reviews in Australia with multiple cost-effective service options to suit claims at all stages.


Independent medication review pharmacists play a crucial role in helping Insurers and Injured people manage their medications and ensuring that they are receiving the best possible care. These professionals are able to identify medication-related problems and make recommendations to improve patient outcomes, which can help reduce healthcare costs and improve overall health outcomes resulting in increased return to work/life potential. Insurers, Patients and healthcare providers can benefit greatly from working with independent pharmacists, and it is important to choose a qualified and experienced professional for this important role. If quality, cost and time are your priorities, then IMM is the answer.

Are your claimants on medication aiding recovery?

Pain medications (pharmaceutical opioids) are responsible for more deaths and hospitalisations than heroin. Medication use is the most common intervention in healthcare. Refer your patient for an IMM medication review today to ensure your claimants are on the right treatments, supporting their effective recovery and return to health.

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Got Questions? Talk to a Pharmacist

Our friendly pharmacists are here to help ensure the best outcomes for your claimants. Have questions about the medication review process or specific treatment concerns?