The Role of Pharmacists in Pain Management

Discover how pharmacists contribute to effective pain management as part of a multidisciplinary team. Learn about their role in monitoring prescriptions and preventing misuse.

The Role of Pharmacists in Pain Management

With an estimated one in five Australians living with pain, there is a huge need for education, support, and access to effective, safe and affordable pain management.

As part of a multidisciplinary team, pharmacists at the front-line are ideally placed to assist.

Are your claimants on medication aiding recovery?

Pain medications (pharmaceutical opioids) are responsible for more deaths and hospitalisations than heroin. Medication use is the most common intervention in healthcare. Refer your patient for an IMM medication review today to ensure your claimants are on the right treatments, supporting their effective recovery and return to health.

Refer Now

Got Questions? Talk to a Pharmacist

Our friendly pharmacists are here to help ensure the best outcomes for your claimants. Have questions about the medication review process or specific treatment concerns?