Tools to Manage and Reduce Pain | Dr. Sean Mackey & Dr. Huberman

Discover insights from Dr. Sean Mackey and Dr. Huberman on understanding and managing pain at the body and mind levels. Learn techniques to reduce pain and improve patient outcomes.

Tools to Manage and Reduce Pain _ Dr. Sean Mackey & Dr. Huberman

Dr Huberman interviewing Dr. Sean Mackey, M.D., Ph.D., Chief of the Division of Pain Medicine and Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine and Neurology at Stanford University School of Medicine. His clinical and research efforts focus on using advanced neurosciences, patient outcomes, biomarkers and informatics to treat pain.

This episode will help people understand, manage, and control their pain as well as the pain of others.

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Are your claimants on medication aiding recovery?

Pain medications (pharmaceutical opioids) are responsible for more deaths and hospitalisations than heroin. Medication use is the most common intervention in healthcare. Refer your patient for an IMM medication review today to ensure your claimants are on the right treatments, supporting their effective recovery and return to health.

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Got Questions? Talk to a Pharmacist

Our friendly pharmacists are here to help ensure the best outcomes for your claimants. Have questions about the medication review process or specific treatment concerns?